National Safety Month – 6 Things To Know About Workplace Safety
June 19, 2024
National Safety Month – 6 Things To Know About Workplace Safety
June is National Safety Month and there is no better time to educate yourself on the importance of safety in the workplace and the positive effects it can have on your business. There are many financial and operational benefits to maintaining a safe workplace, no matter the size of your business or the industry you serve. Here are some key points to keep in mind during National Safety Month about implementing and building on a reliable and functional workplace.
A Safe Workplace Starts With The Culture
The first step to creating and strengthening a safe work environment is to develop safety as a key cultural component of your organization. Establishing this concept as a pillar of your business helps foster a mentality of safety across the entire company. Doing so successfully starts with the leadership. The top-level of your organization needs to embrace an advocacy for safety and outwardly spread that sentiment down to the rest of the team. If done often and genuinely, the rest of the team will follow. Making safety a key component of your business also has an impact on recruiting and projects a positive image to job-seekers, stakeholders, and the general public.
A Safe Workplace Saves Time And Money
Implementing safety measures within the workplace is often seen simply as a legal requirement that costs money but will produce no profit in return. A safe workplace can actually save your business massive amounts of time and money by reducing injury, fines, damaged equipment, and lost productivity — among other key factors. Workplace injuries and illnesses cost companies $60 billion each year due to these major consequences. Injured employees missing time causes loss of work and possible compensation fees for their medical attention. Non-compliant workplaces experience fines and possible lawsuits or investigations that can also compound time and money spent. It’s worth investing in a professional safety plan to avoid these costs down the road. If you’re waiting until an injury occurs to upgrade your working conditions, it will likely be too late.
A Safe Workplace Boosts Morale
Apart from the financial benefits of a safe work environment, it can also increase morale across your organization which impacts productivity, recruiting, and public image. When your employees know they are cared for and that their best interests are kept in mind, they are able to be more focused and gain more enjoyment from their day-to-day work. They will often return this favor by speaking highly of their employer in public circles, boosting the recruiting prowess of your organization and the public’s perception of your business and its treatment of its workers. A safer company is a better company.
A Good Safety Plan Costs Money
This is not an area you want to cut corners or look for the cheapest possible solution to your safety needs. A plan that offers the bare minimum in protection with the end goal of simply remaining compliant is likely to result in injury down the road and will cost you large amounts of time and money as a result. A thorough, professional safety plan and implementation will address all possible risks and design the right solutions to fit your business. It’s impossible to eliminate all risk, but it is possible to achieve the best defense for your organization. A fast and efficient professional installation will also save your business time and money. Don’t go with the cheapest option — go with the best one.
Communication Is Needed To Sustain A Safe Workplace
Crucial to establishing and sustaining a safe workplace and culture is the creation of communication channels across your whole organization. It’s important everyone is on the same page and feels they can speak freely in regard to hazards, concerns, and ideas for improvement. A safety survey is a great way to get the ball rolling and to gather information on what people already know about your current safety plan, what’s most important to them within the workplace, and more. Making sure everyone has a functional understanding of their environment and the safety procedures in place goes a long way toward maintaining and improving the culture you’ve spent so much time and money creating.
Safety Is An Ongoing Process
Once a safety plan is in place, you should continue to reinforce and educate your team on best practices and the importance of a secure environment. This will make them more likely to recognize new hazards down the road and do their part to continue building a safe and productive landscape.
Stronghold Safety specializes in identifying risks, designing personalized safety plans, and implementing procedures and equipment within your organization that will allow you to maximize productivity, revenue, and morale. Contact us today for a safety assessment and plan designed specifically for the needs of your business.