Automatic Sanding Belt Holder With 2" x 36" Belt
Enable lathe operators to sand, polish, and deburr hands free with the sanding belt holder for lathes. Designed to maximize productivity while minimizing risk, sanding belt holders are easy to use and come in different sizes to meet your specific application.
Easy to use and installs in minutes. It has two modes of operation, manual and automatic. In the manual mode, the operator manually cranks the wheel to rotate the abrasive belt. In the automatic mode, the turning of the work piece on the lathe causes the belt to slowly turn. This sanding belt holder is designed to fit different sizes of turning metal parts and can be used on metal, alloy, and wood.
Kit includes: Qty 1 - sanding belt holder, Qty 1 - 80 grit abrasive belt, Qty 1 - 120 grit abrasive belt, Qty 1 - 180 grit abrasive belt
Fits 3/4" tool holders.