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MST-IPA (Strong)

Inside Polishing Attachment Strong- 1.5" to 3" Flap Wheel Kit


Using hands to sand, polish, and debur rotating parts increases the risk of entaglement risk.  Witht he Inside Polishing Attachement, lathe operators can avoid using their hands and minimize risk of injury.

A tool for sanding and deburring inside diameters on conventional lathes. You can sand and deburr without the direct use of hands (for safety). The tool is fixed to the existing tool post of the lathe. It allows sanding operations of metal parts, alloy and wood.

A compact high torque air motor with a standard flap wheel is inserted into the inside diameter of the workpiece. This tool is designed to sand different inside diameters of the work piece. The tool has standard 1/4 inch collet for use with 1/4 shaft flap wheels. A standard shop air hose about 90 psi drives the motor.

The Strong model has a flap wheel capacity of 1.5" to 3" diamater and a max of 1.0hp.  Fits a 3/4" tool holder.
