MAKESafe Power Tool Brake - 240VAC / 5.0 HP / 3 Phase
Features & Details
Tool Braking - This device takes common industrial shop tools like grinders and band saws and allows operators to bring those tools to a stop quickly and safely. It is designed to be used as an every-day stop so you can reach for or measure your work piece without worrying about a blade that is still spinning from it’s inertia.
Anti-Restart (Power Outage Protection) - Prevents accidental startup in the event of power failure.
Emergency Stop - Integrates a category 1 emergency stop into your tools so if an emergency strikes, you can stop the tool and get to safety as quickly as possible.
Plug and Play - There is no wiring and no alteration to your tool. This device will work with any tool that uses an AC Induction motor. You just plug it in, calibrate it, and start braking your tool. The whole process takes just a few minutes and requires no electrical expertise.
Compliance - Meets OSHA 1910.212 - Machine Safeguards for Braking; Meets OSHA 1910.213 - Electrical Controls for Woodworking Machinery, NFPA 79 - Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery, and NEC 2014 - National Electrical Code for Anti-Restart.
Compatability Check List - Prior to purchasing, go to this link and fill out the compatability check list: check list
Warnings - Prior to purchasing, read the following warnings: warnings
Video demonstration link: demo
Spec Sheet