TC-1-CM; TC-2-CM; TC-3-CM
Repar2 Lathe Travel Guard - TC Rear Mount
Travels with the carriage and follows the point of operation. The operator is protected from coolant and chips being projected. It is a steel structure with a polycarbonate screen that attaches to the rear of the carriage. It comes in three sizes. Shields that end in CM (T-1-CM) are interlocked. Shields that end with an S (T-1-S), are not interlocked.
- Heavy-duty safety guard to be mounted on lathe's carraige
- Protects the operator from chips and coolant at the cutting area of the machine
- Highly durable construction with a high visibility polycarbonate shield
- Swings freely from side to side or may be locked in place
- Can be ordered with an interlock for added safety; ample wiring included